Residential Services
Our goal is to help the people we serve to live a life as independently as possible. We take seriously our role in assisting others in acquiring a safe home in a secure environment.
- Personal Care
Maintaining Health and Safety of the Resident
- Planning and Transporting to and from Activities and Outings of the Resident’s Choice
NVP- Nurse Visitation Program
- High-Quality Meal
- Housekeeping
Transportation to and from Doctor Appointments
Administering of Medications
We also provide 24-Hour Management of the home. Our management team oversees all personnel in the home to ensure the highest quality of care is provided.
Our Goal
Our goal is to help the people we serve to live a life as independently as possible. We take seriously our role in assisting others in acquiring a safe home in a secure environment. Only the Absolute BEST staff are hired for to be a part of our Management team. Our in-home support specialists have thoroughly trained on proper health and safety procedures as well as the individual service plan. While an individual may have to live with round-the-clock staffing, we believe we are guests in the home and endeavor to behave as such. This means all meals, in-home activities and outings are arranged according to the interests of the resident. Staff provides proper supervision and safety while ensuring a “their house, their rules” atmosphere.
Our In-Home Support Specialists assist with:
Personal Care
High-Quality Meals
Transportation to and from Doctor Appointments
Administering of Medications
Maintaining health and safety of the Resident
Planning and transporting to and from Activities and Outings of the Resident’s choice
NVP- Nurse Visitation Program
We also provide 24-Hour Management of the home. Our management team oversees all personnel in the home to ensure the highest quality of care is provided.